## Embracing Technology: From Social Media Skeptic to Business-Building Ally

2 min readJun 16, 2024

Hey there, fellow tech-wary entrepreneur! Remember me? The one who used to run a mile from anything with a screen? Yeah, me neither. But guess what? Life has a funny way of throwing curveballs, and sometimes those curveballs come in the form of a new business venture that demands a whole new relationship with technology, especially the mighty social media beast.

Now, I’m not going to lie, the initial plunge was like diving into a digital ocean with a paper life preserver. Overwhelming? You bet. Confusing? Absolutely. But here’s the thing: I had a choice. I could stay stuck in my tech-averse bubble, or I could take a deep breath, put on my metaphorical floaties, and start paddling.

And guess what? I chose the floaties. And you know what? It’s been an exhilarating ride so far. Sure, there are still moments where I feel like I’m drowning in hashtags and algorithms, but the rewards have been immense.

**From Social Media Skeptic to Social Butterfly:**

My journey started with a simple Facebook post. It was like dipping my toe into the vast social media pool. And then, something unexpected happened. People responded. They engaged. They connected. Suddenly, this scary, overwhelming world started to feel a little friendlier, a little more…




I strive to view the world through a different lens, seeking out unique perspectives that inspire growth.